M.R.S.S.S. Highlights

Thursday, June 18, 1964

Awards day for the grade tens and elevens was held Friday afternoon, June 12. Master of ceremonies was Mr. Ivanisko. After the singing of “O Canada”, principal D. A. Voth gave an introductory message to start off the program.

First presented were the Academic awards. Junior block letters and bars were presented by Mr. Papan to the following grade ten students: Michael Cardwell, Barry Child, Dave Fraser, Anne McDonald, Mary-Lou Maxwell. Michael Quigley, Arlene Rhodes and Ron Williams. Honorable mention went to Pat Blow, Howard Baker, Bruce Hornidge, Reg Schindelka and Dilys Wilton.

The Reinhold Andrews Memorial trophy for the best boy student in grade ten was presented by Mrs. Charles to Michael Quigley. Runner-up for this trophy was Barry Child. The trophy for the best girl student in grade ten was presented by Mrs. Shaw to Mary-Lou Maxwell. Runner-up was Arlene Rhodes.

Junior block letters and bars were presented by Mr. Chell to the following grade eleven students: Pauline Craig, Alice Kleaman, Lynne Taber, Barbara Trethewey, Lenore Lynch, Dawne Verigin. Honorable mention went to Toni Arber and Vivian Salvail.

The trophy for the best student in grade eleven was presented by Mrs. Black to Alice Kleaman. Runner-up was Barbara Trethewey.

Next were the activity awards. Junior block letters and bars were presented by Mr. Hooge to Randy Arber, Vivian Bodansky, Pauline Craig, Alice Kleaman, Lenore Lynch, Michael Quigley, Lynne Taber and Peter Tomlinson. Honorable mention went to Ewen Cameron, Ron Williams, Vivian Salvail, Meredith McRae, Maureen Emmerson, Howard Baker, Faith Ward, Daria Ray and Barry Child.

Student Council crests were presented by Students’ Council president Brian Pendleton to the following division reps.: Tom Morrison, Jacqueline Bowness, Pauline Craig, Maureen Jones. Alice Kleaman, Carol Poirier, Lynne Taber, Graham Bleasdale, Sally Gardner, Karen Hemminger, Donna McNab, Michael Quigley, Marvin Scheirer and Dilys Wilton.

Awards to winners of the Coupon Drive held earlier in the year were presented by Lynne Taber and Alice Kleaman to Kay McHallam and Hannah Lotscher.

Finally were the athletic awards. Girl’s junior block letters and bars were presented by Mr. Lane to Susan Brown, Bonnie Hubbard, Sherry Moyer and Carol Spady. Honorable mention went to Linda Dale, Louise Hartney, Karen Hemminger, Donna McColl, Janet Smith and Faye Thorp. Senior block letters and bars were presented to Karen Emery. Honorable mention went to Randy Arber, Toni Arber, Lenore Lynch and Terry Yadernuk. Senior volleyball crests were presented to Randy Arber, Lenore Lynch, Toni Arber and Terry Yadernuk.

Best senior girl athlete trophy was presented by Mr. Lloyd to Karen Emery.

Cheerleader awards presented by Mr. Ivanisko went to junior cheerleaders Lynne Taber, Donna McColl and Maureen Slusarchuk; senior cheerleaders Pat Flowerdew (repeat), Val Pentland (repeat), Maureen Emmerson and Grace MacDonald.

Boys’ junior block letters and awards were presented by Mr. Lloyd to Bob Brooks, Bob King, Wayne Meek (repeat) and Marvin Scheirer. Honorable mention went to Howard Baker and Ken Rothenberger. Senior block letters and bars were presented to Jim Harris (repeat), Dave Harris, Terry King and Eddy Stipp. Honorable mention went to George Allen. Volleyball crests were presented to Dave Harris, Jim Harris, Terry King and Eddy Stipp.

Best junior boy athlete trophy was presented by Mr. Carmichael to Bob Brooks.

Following this S. C. president Brian Pendleton presented a gift to Mr. Ivanisko, Students’ Council advisor, who is leaving the school this year. He also presented gifts to the two teachers retiring this year, Mrs. Black and Mr. Barclay. Both received much applause from the audience.

The program closed with the singing of The Queen.

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