Death Is A Company Policy - S05E01
Time Number Meaning
9:06 6 Sylvia Chang's apartment
15:06 12 Grade McGarrett was in on Student Report
15:06 434 Home Room number
15:06 6-18-44 Date the semester ended
15:06 11 Grade completed for three of the courses/Seen three times
15:06 1 and 2 Times Absent for those classes/Both numbers seen three times each
15:06 0, 1 and 3 Times Tardy/"0" seen three times/"1" seen twice/"3" seen once
18:39 732-5577 Phone number for cab company used by Angie Carroll
18:50 4024 622 350 128 Credit card number Danny used at Kangen Inn
18:50 2/73 Expiration date for credit card issued by "BAC"
18:50 3/27/68 Date of receipt
18:50 15.00 | 1.75 | 2.00 Charges on receipt: Amount, Taxes, Tip
18:50 18.75 Total on receipt
18:50 06491351 Receipt number?
18:50 820599 Number at bottom of receipt/Unknown purpose
18:50 3/28/68 Voucher date/"Entertainment Expense"
18:50 2 Number of persons
18:50 2 Number of persons on second voucher
18:50 06491351 0109 Credit card number Danny used at second location
18:50 4024 Receipt number?
18:50 Apr 12, 68? Date of receipt
18:50 26.40 | 1.32 | 3.50 Charges on receipt: Amount, Taxes, Tip
18:50 31.22 Total on receipt
18:50 4-13-68 Date of receipt/Third receipt studied
18:50 103-58 Receipt number?
18:50 47 On credit card receipt
18:50 3.95 | .19 | .50 Charges on receipt: Amount, Taxes, Tip
18:50 4.64 Total on receipt
18:50 4-13-68 Date on slip from "Downtown Pharmacy"
18:55 4-13-68 Date of receipt/Fourth receipt studied
18:55 4 Number of items/"Tires"
18:55 6.50.15 Size of tires?
18:55 $32.00 Cost of each tire
18:55 128.00 | 6.40 | 134.40 Charges on receipt: Amount, Taxes, Total
18:55 464 "T & F 464"
18:55 6688294 Receipt number?
18:55 4/14/68 Date of receipt/Fifth receipt studied
18:55 4.52 | .23 | 4.75 Charges on receipt: Amount, Taxes, Total
18:55 April 15, 68 Date of receipt/Sixth receipt studied
18:55 19.60 | .98 | 3.00 Charges on receipt: Amount, Taxes, Tip
18:55 23.58 Total on receipt
18:55 April 15, 1968 Date on close-up of paper trail for Danny
19:31 Multiple numbers Several numbers and dates appear on sheet for Paul Drummond
19:36 $450 Monthly salary or income/Drummond's
19:36 4-6-1961 Date of paperwork
19:36 Multiple numbers Drummond's Civil Service card
19:36 Mar 22 '62 Date of signature on Civil Service card
19:36 1965 Date stamp on Drummond's paperwork
19:36 Multiple numbers Several numbers and dates appear on second sheet for Drummond
19:42 Multiple numbers Several numbers and dates appear on Drummond's college transcript
19:42 3 - 1970 to 11 - 1970 Dates of work/"Qualifications Brief"/Seen twice
19:42 1400 Pensacola Drummond's Honolulu address
19:42 $500 | $800 Drummond's monthly salary
19:42 (808) 277-9277 Phone number for Drummond
19:42 1970 Date stamp on Drummond's paperwork/"Qualifications Brief"
19:47 Dec 11 1971 Date on close-up of paper trail for Drummond
19:47 Feb 12 1972 Date stamp on paperwork
19:47 11-02-27 Drummond's birth date
19:47 ###-##-4931 Drummond's identification number
19:47 $500 | $600 Monthly salary or income/Drummond's current job?
19:47 $400 | $450 Monthly salary or income/Drummond's job at "Heinz Law Firm"
20:13 260 Badge number for Edward D. Lukela
20:13 2-11-62 Date of issue for Police ID card
20:13 PD-41 Form number of Police ID card
20:13 5 feet 10 inches Duke's Height
20:13 175 Duke's Weight
20:13 June 19, 1926 Duke's Date of birth
20:13 17469 Ahonui Place Address of Duke's emergency contact: Joseph Meniosa
20:13 277-9277 Phone number for Duke's emergency contact
20:23 Multiple numbers Several numbers and dates appear on Duke's bank account
20:28 1/??/72 Date of transaction on receipt
20:28 031-3356 Account number
20:28 $240.00 Amount of transaction/Seen three times
20:28 1/3/72 Date of transaction on receipt
20:28 031-9967 Account number
20:28 59-101 Check number
20:28 $35.00 Amount of transaction/Seen twice
20:28 0000 0241  40 Routing number of bank? on deposit receipt
20:28 2/7/72 Date of transaction on receipt
20:28 031-3356 Account number
20:28 $290.00 Amount of transaction/Seen three times
20:34 263 Check number Duke wrote to Dalton's Garage
20:34 1/18/72 Date of check Duke wrote to Dalton's Garage
20:34 30.00 Amount of check Duke wrote to Dalton's Garage
20:34 01214? 0101 Routing number of bank on check Duke wrote to Dalton's Garage
20:39 $3100.00 Amount of check from Sand n' Surf Condominium, Inc. to Duke
20:39 1723 0984 19681159911 Routing number of bank on check to Duke
20:39 201 93-997 Account number money deposited into at Hilo
20:39 1/10/70 Date of deposit
20:39 118C-81 Check number of deposit
20:39 3100.00 Amount of deposit/Seen twice
20:44 $3350.00 Amount of check from Sand n' Surf Condominium, Inc. to Duke
20:44 6-10-70 Date of second deposit
20:44 3350.00 Amount of deposit/Seen twice
20:44 $3025.00 Amount of check from Sand n' Surf Condominium, Inc. to Duke
20:44 1-10-71 Date of third deposit
20:44 3025.00 Amount of deposit/Seen twice
20:49 $3050.00 Amount of check from Sand n' Surf Condominium, Inc. to Duke
20:49 6-10-71 Date of fourth deposit
20:49 3050.00 Amount of deposit/Seen twice
20:55 $3300.00 Amount of check from Sand n' Surf Condominium, Inc. to Duke
20:55 1-10-72 Date of fifth deposit
20:55 3300.00 Amount of deposit/Seen twice
21:00 $3375.00 Amount of check from Sand n' Surf Condominium, Inc. to Duke
21:00 Jun 11 1972 Date stamp on check for deposit
21:00 6-10-72 Date of sixth deposit
21:00 3375.00 Amount of deposit/Seen twice
21:05 5 Check/Transfer number
21:05 Aug 11, 1972 Date of transfer
21:05 $19,200.00 Amount of transfer
21:05 no/100 Amount of cents written on check/transfer
21:05 160 54-3624 Account number money transferred to 
21:05 8-11-72 Date of transfer
21:05 19,200.00 Amount of transfer/Seen twice
21:10 19,200.00 Amount of transfer/Seen twice
21:10 Aug 11 72 Date of transfer
28:02 22 Dossier number/Sand n' Surf Condominium Company
28:28 Multiple numbers Several numbers and dates appear for Sand n' Surf stockholders
32:53 Sept., 13 194… Date of Chris Lahani's Entrance Application
32:53 1212 Kaluamoo  Lahani's Honolulu address
32:53 4-4-21 Mother's Date of birth?
32:53 173 | 7 | 1 Number of days attended? Grammar school for Lahani
32:58 June 5th Date of graduation from John Hayes Elementary School for Lahani
33:04 Multiple numbers Several numbers and dates appear on three of Lahani's school records
33:14 Multiple numbers Several numbers and dates appear on four of Lahani's records
38:21 169 Badge number of officer operating computer
41:29 695 Badge number of HPD officer who is guarding witness
42:11 36 Dossier number/Runny Grose
43:28 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in computer display room
48:42 N74119 Registry number: Red, White and glass helicopter
49:44 270 Duke's current Badge number
Death Wish on Tantalus Mountain - S05E02
Time Number Meaning
1:02 27 3235 Conex number for Seatrain
1:28 27 0489 Conex number for Seatrain
2:05 27 0772 Conex number for Seatrain
2:15 6 Number on Yellow De Tomaso Pantera
3:44 071452 Trailer number carrying Seatrain conex
16:19 1? Safety inspection sticker on Yellow Pantera?
17:48 96 Number on exploding car in cliff face
28:18 6 Number on Red De Tomaso Pantera
31:41 105 HPD Unit number
35:25 1645 File No. on Lab tag
35:46 15-72? On fingerprint page of Frank Brill's file
42:58 138 HPD Unit number
48:33 7 Safety inspection sticker on Red Pantera
48:39 1 - 9 RPM gauge in Red Pantera/Increments of 1
You Don't Have To Kill To Get Rich - But It Helps. - S05E03
Time Number Meaning
6:02  May 6th Date of tournament at Dallas Golf Club
6:12 102 Arthur Jackson's locker number 
6:12 103 Locker to the right of Arthur Jackson's
7:45 34 Counter number at airport
9:19 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Sam Tolliver uses
12:04 747 "The Friend Ship United's 747"/Sign in car rental area
13:22 $50.00 Deposit for Sam Tolliver's rental car
13:22 50 Amount already paid for rental car
43:22 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in William Speer's house
43:22 808-589-0599 Phone number for Speer
48:25 HA 3184 B Registry number: White launch owned by HPD?
Pig in a Blanket - S05E04
Time Number Meaning
0:57 8 Bowling lane
0:57 1  |  2 Frame indicator - first or second half
1:07 $2100 Amount of prizes in Bowling Tournament/On sign in locker room
1:44 795 Chinough Olena's badge number
2:25 6 Safety inspection sticker on partially marked HPD car
4:14 CS/505 Model number of heart rate monitor on Olena
9:21 0  10  30  50 Watt seconds on defibrillator/Internal half of scale
9:21 100  200  350 Watt seconds on defibrillator/External half of scale
11:37 101 Intensive Care room Olena treated in
13:10 20 - 300 Blood pressure cuff readings/Increments of 20
16:12 Multiple numbers Players' Football jerseys in Colts vs. Raiders game on TV
16:28 10 10 yard line marker in Colts vs. Raiders game on TV
18:02 15 Referee jersey number in Colts vs. Raiders game on TV
20:48 166 HPD Unit number
20:58 0.00 Total on cash register
21:04 233? Badge number of Officer Martin
21:09 345 Badge number of Officer Kelanloi?
44:22 300 - 1000 Glass IV for Ricky Klein/Increments of 100/Seen backwards
45:59 101 Ricky's hospital room
The Jinn Who Clears the Way - S05E05
Time Number Meaning
3:07 1526 Sticker on Wo Fat's car
11:01 N8585F Registry number: White and Red helicopter
23:10 111 HPD Unit number
38:06 1120 Pauai Street Address for The Wo Sun Wong Company
38:54 3-25-72 Date of autopsy report for Wo Sun Wong
38:54 1037 Kalea Ave. Wo Sun and Laura Wong's address/Seen twice
38:54 589-0599? Phone number for Wo Sun and Laura Wong
38:54 1056 Numakal St.? Address for Dr. Charles Lee
38:54 768-2300 Phone number for Dr. Charles Lee
38:54 85  | 5'6"  | 135 Age, Height and Weight for Wo Sun Wong
38:54 799 No., Hotel St. Address body and pillow was delivered to
38:54 8:55 A. M. Time body and pillow was delivered
Fools Die Twice - S05E06
Time Number Meaning
4:19 2:28 Time on McGarrett's desk clock
4:25 2:29:00 Time on McGarrett's desk clock
4:56 2:30:00 Time on McGarrett's desk clock
6:40 16 Delivery van "MDS Merchants Delivery Service"/On sides and back
8:13 PUC 228-C On "MDS" delivery van
9:16 4 On bunker in lot at military storage depot Five-O arrives at
10:54 1A-2505? Sticker on HPD Unit windshield
10:54 138 HPD Unit number
11:41 86207 Registration number for US Army helicopter
13:15 86J 67989? Registration number for US Army Military Police pickup
13:24 01D 60170 Registration number for US Army Military Police car behind Park Lane
19:29 130 HPD Unit number
19:55 90  30  0  30  90 On Kira Johnson's chest x-ray
20:21 6 - 10 Fluid measurement in operating room/Increments of 1
20:47 205? X-Ray room where Johnson is being looked at/Seen backwards
24:07 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Jack Gulley uses to call McGarrett
24:07 819 855? Phone number of pay phone Gulley uses to call McGarrett
27:11 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone on McGarrett's desk
27:11 819? Extension? of McGarrett's phone
29:37 229 Johnson's hospital room
37:19 129 HPD Unit number
39:04 538 Lana Trotter's apartment
40:48 2369 - 2372 Extension line on McGarrett's phone/Increments of 1
40:48 2373 Extension line on McGarrett's phone/Has Hold button on it - wouldn't happen
40:48 2374 - 2379 Extension line on McGarrett's phone/Increments of 1
40:58 311-555-2368 McGarrett's phone number
43:17 543 Type of Oscilloscope used to isolate background noises
43:17 125? Oscilloscope serial number
43:17 50  20  10 Millisecond scale on Oscilloscope
43:17 .1  .2  .3 Seconds scale on Oscilloscope
Chain Of Events - S05E07
Time Number Meaning
0:56 HA 2347 B Registry number: White sailboat in background
4:30 143 Badge number of HPD officer who found Jacob Kalema
5:57 7 A.M. to 11 P.M. Clinic Hours for "Department of Health State of Hawaii"
7:54 20 On lab equipment label
8:00 20 "Persons Under Age 20 Involved In A Syphilis Epidemic"/On office wall
13:21 3 Safety inspection sticker on McGarrett's car
14:43 133 HPD Unit number
24:15 208 Walter Clyman's hospital room
30:33 3718-A? On trash can in front of the Rynak house
39:30 6 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in Paula Warren's hotel room
Journey Out of Limbo - S05E08
Time Number Meaning
1:26 43000 GVW of dump truck Danny jumps into
4:55 0126 Sticker on ambulance bumper
5;57 150 Hospital room McGarrett walks past/"Fluoroscopy"
6:02 149 Hospital room Danny taken into/"Emergency Examination"
14:52 1/2 "Horseback Riding" 1/2 mile sign/"Koko Head Stables"
18:42 753 Number on the luggage tug servicing United 747
19:18 129 HPD Unit number
19:53 102? HPD Unit number
30:36 342019 Number on model airplane in Warren Hummel's room
32:39 HA 8170 B Registry number: White boat Danny saw in bunker
32:54 8 "8' Wide"/Description of boat on McGarrett's blackboard
34:16 2' x 30" Measurements of boxes on McGarrett's blackboard/One box
34:31 15" Measurements of boxes on McGarrett's blackboard/Two boxes 
35:42 4 - 6 Height scale on Harvey Durko's mug shot from CNC/Increments of 1
40:59 June 1, 1931 Warren Hummel's date of birth/On his gravestone
40:59 Nov. 11,1950 Warren Hummel's date of death/On his gravestone
43:25 130 HPD Unit number
43:30 110 HPD Unit number
V' For Vashon: The Son - S05E09
Time Number Meaning
1:59 515-516; 520-531 Mailboxes at front desk of Hawaiian Regent
1:59 718; 724-726 Mailboxes at front desk of Hawaiian Regent
1:59 926-929 Mailboxes at front desk of Hawaiian Regent
11:37 D-7171 Case no. written on folder "Criminal Package Reference Record"
11:37 313 G.L. Case no. written on folder "Criminal Package Reference Record"
13:42 15 Cents/Cost of morning newspaper for The Honolulu Advertiser
13:42 A-14 Page/Article "Lanai owner for limited development"
13:42 4  |  30 Sections and pages of The Honolulu Advertiser
13:42 200 Part of headline/"Greek Reported Sunk Engulfing 200"
13:42 500  |  3 Part of headline/"500 Deportees Leave in a Day Aboard 3 Ships"
15:53 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sign for "1 Hour Parking"
15:53 1 Sign for "1 Hour Parking"
16:03 1100 Block of Nuuanu Avenue
17:32 Multiple numbers Tour schedule for "All Hawaiian Carnival: Escort Barb"
17:32 RVW-7102 Serial number of Honore Vashon's TV
19:57 10E - 10J Mailboxes in apartment building where "N. Douglas" lives
20:08 1A Apartment of manager in building where "N. Douglas" lives
21:26 10J Apartment of "N. Douglas"/Seen on door
45:21 418? Hotel room Stu exits after robbing it
45:26 414 Next hotel room Stu hits
46:08 <- 402-413 | 414-433 -> Sign showing directions for hotel rooms
46:23 4 Sign denoting direction of stairway
V' for Vashon: The Father - S05E10
Time Number Meaning
1:44 1886 - 1967 Birth and death years for "Anna Vashon"
2:36 1972 Gravestone' for McGarrett/Seen in photograph at 2:57
4:41 1951 - 1972 Birth and death years for Christopher Vashon
10:19 137 HPD Unit number
16:08 1 Note from Tosaki to Honore Vashon "1-Dead"
19:37 25500 GVW of truck in background when Danny and Ben arrive on scene
19:42 138 HPD Unit number
19:58 ###-##-8522 Peter Makros' Social Security Number/Possible real-life number
19:58 2/14/62 Date Makros' card was issued
20:03 3:00 Meeting time in note
24:34 6295 File no. on Emile Calaumier
26:49 8 Pier 8 seen behind highway ramp
29:41 N74119 Registry number: Red, White and glass helicopter
34:28 8 AM - 5 PM US Customs hours except on Sundays and Holidays
34:43 10 On top of covered sidewalk near Aloha Tower
35:09 6 Safety inspection sticker on taxi
35:20 5 Speed Limit on street taxis drive on
35:20 9 On top of covered sidewalk near Aloha Tower
37:35 3 "3 Minute Passenger Loading Zone" sign behind Dylan Hayward
37:35 1 "1 Hour Parking" sign across the street
37:51 201 Room/Office Hayward looks to rent across from Iolani Palace
44:10 9:02 Clock on McGarrett's desk
47:31 301 Room/Office Hayward rents across from Iolani Palace
V' for Vashon: The Patriarch - S05E11
Time Number Meaning
6:46 Multiple numbers **Up to this point, any numbers seen were in Parts I and II
13:22 1 - 17; P1 and P2 Floor buttons in elevator car where Sullivan shoots at McGarrett
13:27 P-2 "Parking Level P-2" on wall behind McGarrett
14:50 180 Hotel security guard's badge number
29:04 939-802 Phone number for Hawaiian Properties, Ltd. 
40:53 214 Office/Suite number for Harvey Mathieson Drew and Associates
The Clock Struck Twelve - S05E12
Time Number Meaning
1:02 39000 GVW of truck in background/Continental Towing? Company
1:07 7 Protest sign: "Free The 7"
3:23 11:59:50 Clock on McGarrett's desk
3:33 12:00:0 Clock on McGarrett's desk
7:58 208 Mary Ann's hospital room
14:08 7 Protest sign: "7 Is Lucky"
15:37 45% "Semi-Gelatin" marking on box/Seen upside down and backwards
16:03 29 Numbered shirt worn by person going into store
16:13 E 26733387 B? Serial number for $1 bill used to pay for clocks
16:13 5 On $1 bill used to pay for clocks/Seen four times
16:24 1968 Safety inspection sticker on Abraham Meleha's van
17:10 4:22 Digital clock read out used by Meleha/Seen upside down & backwards
17:10 8:20? Digital clock read out on box
17:36 5:03 Digital clock read out used by Meleha
25:35 1:47 Digital clock read out on Bomb #1
26:17 1:48 Digital clock read out on Bomb #1
26:17 00  30  00 Alarm settings on right of clock
27:51 86 F 94 Serial number for dynamite on Bomb #1
28:22 1 - 3, 7 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in Meleha house
30:27 3:35 Digital clock read out on Bomb #1
32:01 129 HPD Unit number
32:01 4:33 Digital clock read out on Bomb #1
32:53 4:35 - 4:36 Digital clock read out on Bomb #1
33:14 4:59 Digital clock read out on Bomb #1
33:29 5:09 - 5:10 Digital clock read out on Bomb #1
36:31 133 HPD Unit number
36:31 138 HPD Unit number
39:04 5:13 Digital clock read out on Bomb #1
39:34 5:16 - 5:17 Digital clock read out on Bomb #2
39:34 8:30 to 10:00 Alarm settings on right of clock/Increments of :30
40:27 6:18 - 6:19 Digital clock read out on Bomb #2
41:08 6:20 Digital clock read out on Bomb #2
44:19 7:25 - 7:26 Digital clock read out on Bomb #2
46:48 7:28 Digital clock read out on Bomb #2
47:24 N8585F Registry number: White and Red HPD helicopter
I'm A Family Crook -- Don't Shoot! - S05E13
Time Number Meaning
1:07 101  |  109 Rooms for Courtroom A and B respectively
5:48 756 On front of bus going to "Navy - Main Gate"
6:09 795 Badge number Arnold Lovejoy has impersonating a cop
6:09 3 Route for bus going to "Navy - Main Gate"
6:14 557 Above door of bus going to "Navy - Main Gate"
6:25 3638 Street address for Rattan Art Gallery
7:06 1200 Block of Koko Head Avenue/Intersection with Waialae Avenue
7:06 3640 Block of Waialae Avenue/Intersection with Koko Head Avenue
7:43 732-9216 Phone number for Far East Chop Suey
7:43 734-3060 Phone number for Far East Chop Suey
9:58 732-5577 Phone number for cab company Frank Bitrell takes to Charlie Walters
15:47 1 - 5 Floor indicator for the Lovejoy's hotel elevator/Increments of 1
17:47 10 Cents/Cost of daily newspaper/On front page
22:43 September 1972 Calendar in Shibata's warehouse/Seen behind Lovejoys at stair top
22:59 124 On box in Shibata's warehouse
35:18 1 - 4 Sign for "4-Lanes"/Increments of 1/"4" seen twice
45:04 136 HPD Unit number
45:04 6 Safety inspection sticker on HPD car
45:14 25 Speed Limit on street HPD Unit turns onto
The Child Stealers - S05E14
Time Number Meaning
0:57 76 Phillips 76 globe at gas station
2:51 11-B   11-A Gates at airport/Seen as Nina walks through automatic doors
3:54 …04 | 1018AM | 21 United Airlines flight to San Francisco/Flight-Time-Gate
3:54 …7 | 1200PM | 32 United Airlines flight to Los Angeles/Flight-Time-Gate
3:54 …3 | 210PM | 17 United Airlines flight to Los Angeles/Flight-Time-Gate
3:54 …2 | 238PM | 34 United Airlines flight to Los Angeles?/Flight-Time-Gate
3:54 …7 | 3-20 | 22 United Airlines flight to San Francisco?/Flight-Time-Gate
3:54 …3 | 4 0 | 33 United Airlines flight to Los Angeles?/Flight-Time-Gate
3:54 …7 | 440 | 18 United Airlines flight to San Francisco?/Flight-Time-Gate
3:54 45 Minutes/Note about "All Flights"
4:46 332 Badge number of HPD officer Danny is talking to
6:30 7 Aisle number/Seen behind the Empsons
7:43 3 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in Empson house
12:50 253 Badge number of HPD officer searching the car
20:24 9 KGMB-TV channel number/On camera in studio
27:20 1/13/72  4:26 PM Date and Time of birth for Andy Empson
27:20 6 lb 12 oz. | 19" Birth weight and length of Andy Empson
28:28 4 Runway marker
34:54 20 On sail of boat Gar and Nina "test sail"
35:41 723 Pier locker for slip 723
36:53 3045 Pualei Circle Address for Gregory Ray, Insurance Agent/Seen multiple times
36:53 923-1256 Phone number for Gregory Ray, Insurance Agent/Seen multiple times
38:01 Multiple numbers Written on boxes in Speedoprint shop Danny and Chin Ho visit
40:06 135 HPD Unit number
40:38 1503 House number for Linden residence
42:06 1507 House number Gar is parked in front of
46:03 101 | 1048AM | 21 United Airlines flight Departures/Flight-Time-Gate
46:03 74 | 1230PM | 32 United Airlines flight Departures/Flight-Time-Gate
46:03 82 | 2  PM | 13 United Airlines flight Departures/Flight-Time-Gate
46:03 77 | 208PM | 34 United Airlines flight Departures/Flight-Time-Gate
46:03 22 | 3-20 | 22 United Airlines flight Departures/Flight-Time-Gate
46:03 39 | 400 | 33 United Airlines flight Departures/Flight-Time-Gate
Thanks For The Honeymoon - S05E15
Time Number Meaning
14:44 270 Duke's Badge number
16:39 N8585F Registry number: White and Red HPD helicopter
16:54 147 HPD Unit number
22:54 1 - 9 Sectors are resort/4 and 7 are not seen
26:43 601 - 631 South Room number range on directional sign
30:52 8 and 9 Numbered pins on board
40:47 625 Room number plaque next to Margo Cooper
The Listener - S05E16
Time Number Meaning
1:18 802 Suite/Dr. Eric Fowler's office
1:28 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on Black rotary dial phone in Fowler's office
2:15 3 - 9 and 0 Numbers on White rotary dial phone in Fowler's office
5:33 Multiple numbers Meter used by Che Fong to find room bugs
8:14 535 Bobby Martinelli's hospital room
14:08 802 "Fowler 802" on key tag for Dr. Fowler's office suite
14:12 37 Key hook number on maintenance board
19:46 153 HPD Unit number
19:51 158 HPD Unit number
19:57 149 HPD Unit number
20:28 101 Eva Haines' hospital room
24:22 9 A.M.-9 P.M. Health Club Monday through Friday hours
24:22 …A.M. - 5 P.M. Health Club Saturday hours
24:22 786-2300  |  589-0599 Health Club phone numbers
24:48 104 Room number?/Seen behind Ben when he meets Dr. Fowler
29:08 4634 Kilauea Avenue Address for Bank of Hawaii
30:42 5.4 7 9 11   14  16 AM frequencies on radio in Dr. Fowler's car
30:42 88 - 108 FM frequencies on radio in Dr. Fowler's car/Increments of 4
32:26 110 HPD Unit number
36:57 6'-8" Height clearance of parking garage behind McGarrett, Danny and Fowler
38:47 1 Instructions from Five-O to Dr. Fowler/"Take out gauze surgeons mask."
38:47 2 Instructions from Five-O to Dr. Fowler/"Take out Stenotape loop."
38:47 3 Instructions from Five-O to Dr. Fowler/"Place mask around neck."
38:47 4 Instructions from Five-O to Dr. Fowler/"Put loop into Stenotype machine."
38:47 5 Instructions from Five-O to Dr. Fowler/"Turn on machine."
38:47 6 Instructions from Five-O to Dr. Fowler/"Put gauze over face."
38:47 7 Instructions from Five-O to Dr. Fowler/"Exchange bugged clothes for…"
38:47 8 Instructions from Five-O to Dr. Fowler/"Put Bugged…"
41:53 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Cerberus uses
43:42 5 Gas pump number where McGarrett pulls into
44:28 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in Mary Dalton's apartment
46:26 131 HPD Unit number
47:23 1451 Registration number? for US Mail truck
Here Today...Gone Tonight - S05E17
Time Number Meaning
3:17 124 Kahala Avenue Barry Dean's address
3:17 6'  |  35  | 185 Height, Age, and Weight of Barry Dean
12:29 15 Unattended aircraft parking limited to 15 minutes at Ala Wai Heliport
12:50 N8585F Registry number: White and Red helicopter/At 26:58 is HPD helicopter
16:18 50 - 80 and 100 - 160 Frequencies on "Hi-fi"/Increments of 10 up to 80, then Increment of 20
22:22 1182 Badge number of HPD officer informing of Insurance investigator
24:17 180 Charlie's Badge number for "HGS"
24:43 3153 Dean's ID number
24:43 9:11 P.M. Dean's arrival time
26:06 2 MIN/On Direction gauge in helicopter
26:11 0 - 340 Ground speed indicator/Increments of 20 and 40/0-60 nothing between
39:38 0 - 5 Altitude indicator/Both up and down/Increments of .5/1000ft per minute
39:59 0 - 359 Heading Indicator/Increments of 30
41:02 0 - 9 Altimeter?
46:00 12 Apartment June Fletcher and Bella Morgan are meeting
The Odd Lot Caper - S05E18
Time Number Meaning
3:15 Multiple numbers New York Stock Exchange numbers displayed digitally in Honolulu
3:57 Multiple numbers New York Stock Exchange gains and losses on board displayed in Honolulu
5:24 111 HPD Unit number
6:21 1435 File no. for Che Fong concerning the note Stan Cooper received
9:06 6 Speed Limit in warehouse on docks
23:47 3 Safety inspection sticker on car used by Jersey
23:57 734 Street address for McPherson & Co. Stock Brokers
24:03 9 to 5 Daily hours for McPherson & Co. Stock Brokers
24:03 9 to 12 Saturday hours for McPherson & Co. Stock Brokers
24:13 6 Safety inspection sticker on car used by Linc
24:13 2 2 Hour Parking authorized on street Linc parks on
24:23 826 Street address of building of R.L. Walters & Co. Investment Brokers
26:48 129 HPD Unit number
26:58 131 HPD Unit number
29:17 10,000 GVW of armored truck for Honolulu Stock Exchange
30:50 102 Stenciled on back door of escape van
30:55 Multiple numbers Stock companies and exchange numbered on map in Five-O
38:14 4 - 7 Height scale on Jersey Frazer's mug shot/Increments of 1
42:56 1651 Street address for Gyn's Travel Services
43:01 1649 Street address where Jersey catches cab
43:11 541-5055 Phone number for Ernie's Cab/On roof sign
46:10 135 HPD Unit number
Will The Real Mr. Winkler Please Die? - S05E19
Time Number Meaning
1:02 9 Channel number for KGMB-TV/On camera
2:04 Multiple numbers On computer board as it's working
2:10 360 "IBM 360"/Type of computer being used
2:10 3 Terminal/Tape drive of HPD computer
3:12 101 Courtroom number in First Circuit Court - First Division
7:22 2 2 Hour Parking authorized on street in front of "Winkler's" shop
9:01 April 10, 1927 Paul Helperin's date of birth
10:14 12.99 On sign in Winkler's shop/Price of Ladies' Long Muus
15:37 December 12 72? Date of letter from Hilo Police Chief/Seen upside down
20:34 203 Room McGarrett meets Rogloff/"Supreme Court Law Library"
20:39 7 A.M. - 6 P.M. Hours for Law Library Monday-Friday
26:59 7 Safety inspection sticker on HPD/Five-O unmarked SUV
29:20 33BK Registry number: White and Gold Lear jet, Mexico? flag on tail
29:51 10 MPH Speed Limit on narrow one lane road
42:16 1454 Safety inspection sticker? on stretched car
42:21 PUC 143 C 53 On stretched "Trade Wind Tours" car
44:56 N9014F Registry number: White and Blue HPD helicopter
45:01 158 HPD Unit number
45:06 153 HPD Unit number
45:11 136 HPD Unit number
Little Girl Blue - S05E20
Time Number Meaning
3:56 1 Safety inspection sticker on car used by Luther Shepp and Frank Denton
6:10 141 HPD Unit number
11:30 270 Duke's Badge number
11:30 871 Badge number of HPD officer next to Duke
13:49 164 HPD Unit number
14:04 105 HPD Unit number
14:20 154 HPD Unit number
17:30 N74119 Registry number: Red, White and glass HPD helicopter
18:43 SC-25 Graffiti on rocks above bunker
19:39 00 E Computer terminal of HPD "Iron Brain"
21:02 191 HPD Unit number/Command Post truck
21:12 24000 GVW of HPD Command Post truck
22:29 1 - 5; 8 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial phone in the Scott house
24:48 N9014F Registry number: White and Blue HPD helicopter
25:50 25,000.00 Ransom amount for Debbie Scott
25:50 20s Size of bills for the ransom
25:50 1654 Palama Street Marian Scott's address
25:50 96781? Marian Scott's Zip code
26:42 4 - 7 Height scale on Luther and Frank's mug shots/Increment of 1
43:10 131 HPD Unit number
47:50 111 HPD Unit number
Percentage - S05E21
Time Number Meaning
4:46 16  |  17 Sign on Blackjack table/"Dealer Must Draw To 16 And Stand On 17"
10:46 7 to 14 Gates at Honolulu International Airport/Sign behind Sam, Chin Ho, and Ben
20:34 391 Badge number of HPD Officer (Wendell)
21:00 937 Bill Howard's apartment/room number
39:16 158 HPD Unit number
44:05 1000 Bands around stacks of cash in briefcase
44:05 $500 Bands around stacks of cash in briefcase
Engaged To Be Buried - S05E22
Time Number Meaning
6:20 1841 Date Punahou School was founded
8:46 28000 Kilho Blvd. Address for Stonehurst Construction Company
8:46 96816 Zip code for Stonehurst Construction Company
8:46 20.00 Price per box of dynamite fuses
8:46 200… Total price for dynamite fuses
13:11 17 - 18 Bowling lanes/Behind Stan Carson
13:42 Multiple numbers Written on boxes in Shako Vidalgo's office
14:34 143 Stan Carson's star no.
15:21 6 - 9 Lockers behind Pam and Chin Ho
18:08 14312 Pali Highway Address for Bellina Construction Company
18:08 96816 Zip code for Bellina Construction Company
18:08 24 Cases of dynamite on invoice
18:18 N72786 Registry number: Orange and White Cessna airplane
19:21 9:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. Sunday Services for "Makani Ahi Church"
25:46 133 HPD Unit number
26:12 154 HPD Unit number
30:59 270 Duke's Badge number
34:22 14 "Apollo 14" game behind Bertie Paipo
35:14 13 Runway One Three
36:11 4 Safety inspection sticker on Five-O car
37:19 6 Safety inspection sticker on Rono's car
The Diamond That Nobody Stole - S05E23
Time Number Meaning
7:35 $3 Ticket price? for "Risqué Theater"
7:35 24 "Open 24" for "Risqué Theater"
15:05 1 - 9 and 0 Numbers on rotary dial pay phone Djebara answers
23:50 4105 Street address for Willard Allen
30:31 2G Sammy York's apartment/Seen on door and door frame
32:14 145 Pounds/York's weight
32:20 2G York's mailbox at apartment building/flophouse
38:18 732-5577 Phone number for Bernie's Cab
38:59 4 Safety inspection sticker on parked car
Jury Of One - S05E24
Time Number Meaning
3:52 3 Safety inspection sticker on McGarrett's car
15:56 4 - 6 Height scale on Curt Lucas' mug shot/Increments of 1
22:14 $5000.00 Amount of IOU to Grady Jenkins from Bernie Harris
24:03 944-1212 Crime stoppers? Phone number/On poster behind Danny in office
26:43 19691 Case No. on Arte Boland's toe tag
32:19 4 Runway marker?
34:13 6836 On sail of boat near Mrs. Fletcher's house
43:00 949-7320 Phone number for "Newton"/On list at Five-O
43:00 988-6047 Phone number for "Barnes"/On list at Five-O
43:00 247-3316 Phone number for "Hashida"/On list at Five-O
43:00 946-9454 Phone number for "McCulloch"/On list at Five-O
43:00 537-8490 Phone number for "Geller"/On list at Five-O
43:00 247-3139 Phone number for "Swanson"/On list at Five-O
43:00 946-6835 Phone number for "Harkness"/On list at Five-O