This season, with 23 episodes (one is a 2-hour show), consists of three slim-line cases which fit inside a ⅞″ thick box: Box front — Box back
Each of these slim-line cases opens to reveal two DVDs: 1&2, 3&4, 5&6. All 6 discs in the set use this style of label.
Exterior of slim-line case artwork has a front cover similar to the front cover of the box; the back cover has a listing of episodes on the two DVDs.
Interior of this artwork has a nightime photo of Honolulu. This is the same for all three slim-line cases; the photo is obscured by the two DVDs fastened to the inside left and right of the case.
Main menu (contains what looks like a film strip with scenes from episodes running horizontally) — Episode menu — Setup/Subtitles menu (identical for all 6 discs)
(There is no menu for S08E01, Murder -- Eyes Only)
S08E02 menu, McGarrett Is Missing
S08E03 menu, Termination With Extreme PrejudiceDISC TWO
Main menu (with film strip) — Episode menu
S08E04 menu, Target? The Lady
S08E05 menu, Death's Name Is SAM
S08E06 menu, The Case Against McGarrett
S08E07 menu, The DefectorDISCS THREE AND FOUR
Exterior of slim-line case artwork has a front cover similar to the front cover of the box; the back cover has a listing of episodes on the two DVDs.
Main menu (with film strip) — Episode menu
S08E08 menu, Sing A Song Of Suspense
S08E09 menu, Retire In Sunny Hawaii — Forever
S08E10 menu, How To Steal A Submarine
S08E11 menu, The Waterfront StealDISC FOUR
Main menu (with film strip) — Episode menu
S08E12 menu, Honor Is An Unmarked Grave
S08E13 menu, A Touch Of Guilt
S08E14 menu, Wooden Model Of A Rat
S08E15 menu, Deadly PersuasionDISCS FIVE AND SIX
Exterior of slim-line case artwork has a front cover similar to the front cover of the box; the back cover has a listing of episodes on the two DVDs.
Main menu (with film strip) — Episode menu
S08E16 menu, Legacy Of Terror
S08E17 menu, Loose Ends Get Hit
S08E18 menu, Anatomy Of A Bribe
S08E19 menu, Turkey Shoot At MakapuuDISC SIX
Main menu (with film strip) — Episode menu
S08E20 menu, A Killer Grows Wings
S08E21 menu, The Capsule Kidnapping
S08E22 menu, Love Thy Neighbor, Take His Wife
S08E23 menu, A Sentence To Steal