This season, with 24 episodes, consists of three slim-line cases which fit inside a ⅞″ thick box: Box front — Box back
Each of these slim-line cases opens to reveal two DVDs: 1&2, 3&4, 5&6. All 6 discs in the set use this style of label.
Exterior of slim-line case artwork has a front cover similar to the front cover of the box; the back cover has a listing of episodes on the two DVDs.
Interior of this artwork has a nightime photo of Honolulu. This is the same for all three slim-line cases; the photo is obscured by the two DVDs fastened to the inside left and right of the case.
Main menu (looks like a film strip with episode scenes) — Picture version and Video version (TESTING) — Episode menu — Setup/Audio/Subtitles menu (identical for all discs)
S07E01 menu, The Young Assassins
S07E02 menu, A Hawaiian Nightmare
S07E03 menu, I’ll Kill ‘Em Again
S07E04 menu, Steal Now, Pay LaterDISC TWO
Main menu (with film strip) — Episode menu
S07E05 menu, Bomb, Bomb, Who's Got The Bomb?
S07E06 menu, Right Grave–Wrong Body
S07E07 menu, We Hang Our Own
S07E08 menu, The Two-Faced CorpseDISCS THREE AND FOUR
Exterior of slim-line case artwork has a front cover similar to the front cover of the box; the back cover has a listing of episodes on the two DVDs.
Main menu (with film strip) — Episode menu
S07E09 menu, How To Steal A Masterpiece
S07E10 menu, A Gun For McGarrett
S07E11 menu, Welcome To Our Branch Office
S07E12 menu, Presenting...In The Center Ring...MurderDISC FOUR
Main menu (with film strip) — Episode menu
S07E13 menu, Hara-Kiri: Murder
S07E14 menu, Bones Of Contention
S07E15 menu, Computer Killer
S07E16 menu, A Woman's Work Is With A GunDISCS FIVE AND SIX
Exterior of slim-line case artwork has a front cover similar to the front cover of the box; the back cover has a listing of episodes on the two DVDs.
Main menu (with film strip) — Episode menu
S07E17 menu, Small Witness, Large Crime
S07E18 menu, Ring Of Life
S07E19 menu, Study In Rage
S07E20 menu, And The Horse Jumped Over The MoonDISC SIX
Main menu (with film strip) — Episode menu
S07E21 menu, Hit Gun For Sale
S07E22 menu, The Hostage
S07E23 menu, Diary Of A Gun
S07E24 menu, 6,000 Deadly Tickets